ST. LOUIS, MO.-"Some day I'm going to own
this river," businessman/inventor Howard Arneson said with friendly
determination in 1988. Two years later the veteran racer, who set a new
American Power Boat Association (AP13A) record in the Mississippi River
Challenge from New Orleans to St. Louis on September 22, smiled and
acknowledged, "Now I do feel I own a little piece of it."

Arneson's stunning time for the 1,039mile marathon
race was only 12:40:50, peeling seven hours and 36 minutes off Bob Cox's
record which was set in August, 1987. The Louisiana Gulf Coast Power
Boat Association, whose race chairman, Ted MacIntyre, was a challenger,
sponsored the 1990 return to the non-stop endurance format that began
120 years ago when the stern-wheeler Robert E. Lee beat the Natchez.
Arneson won the race's $10,000 purse.
Arneson had competed in 1988 in the Mississippi
River Race, a two-day daylight run with an overnight stop in Memphis.
Following the same rigorous course, he had suffered a gearbox failure in
the 32-foot cat with Arneson drive just south of Memphis. "I must
have sounded awfully brash and cocky when I said I'd own this river some
day. That quote's been haunting me."
A Californian from San Rafael, Arneson has clearly
established the one-day race format for the future. Averaging 82 miles
per hour in river conditions that were as optimum as they could have
been without closing down the giant artery to barge traffic entirely, he
set a pace that will eliminate bass boat contenders in the future just
as the earliest motorized boats wiped away steam-powered vessels.
"Marine Turbine Technologies has the ability
to break Howard's record," MacIntyre insisted nevertheless. Also a
Mississippi River Race veteran who ran into difficulty in 1987, this
year MacIntyre maintained a fast pace at 85 miles per hour as he passed
Greenville, Miss., where he encountered a tow boat wake which punched a
soccer ball sized hole some five feet aft of the bow. Through skill and
sheer determination, MacIntyre and his crew continued on for another
four hours trimming the boat so that it did not flood. An hour and
one-half south of Memphis, his crew discovered that the fluid had
drained out of their power steering system, which forced them to reduce
their speed to 60 miles per hour and to steer by use of their throttles.
Just south of New Madrid, Mo., MacIntyre hit yet another wake of a tow
which swamped the boat. The sun had set and they walked in darkness to
phone St. Louis to discover Arneson had just crossed the finish line at
7:35 p.m.
About that same time, St. Louis racer Tom VanOver,
another Mississippi River Race veteran who had sped past Arneson in
Vicksburg, Miss., in 1988, broke a prop axle __ in his customized bass
boat just south of Cairo, III. "The Coast Guard, whom we contacted
by emergency radio, was extremely cooperative and alert to our position.
They contacted a tug boat which pulled us out of .the water. Getting
back to St. Louis at 5:00 a.m. the following morning, we cussed a lot
and swore we'd never do it again. Only two days later, however, we met
to discuss just what kind of a boat we would need to win next
The fourth challenger, Leon Ortemond of Erath,
La., had the toughest luck. He cracked an engine just after his
departure from New Orleans around 7:00 a.m.
Arneson, who was the senior challenger at age 69,
described the physical demands made when roaring upstream at speeds up
to 115 miles per hour. "The wind factor is like hanging your head
out of a car on a super highway for 12 hours. My ears were folded over
the entire trip."
Crediting seasoned river pilot Thomas George of
Jackson, Miss., Arneson says, "I couldn't have done it without this
navigator." George's triumph is that he has navigated three winning
Mississippi River runsMichael Reagan's Grace Cup Record in 1982, Don
Johnson's Mississippi River Race record in 1987, and now Arneson's race.
Long-time record holder Bill Tedford had advised Reagan that the most
important component of his attempt would be an experienced Mississippi
River pilot. Jacques Cousteau followed the same strategy when he brought
his Calypso up the Mississippi several years ago. George's succession of
wins seems to corroborate such wisdom.
"The race may still be shortened many miles
at the right river stage," George stated. This will probably depend
upon the pilot's knowledge of short-cuts and viable risks. But how much
further can the record be reduced since it's already gone from the
1870's record of 90:14 to the 1990's record of 12:40?
George also passed on an appropriate adage:
"If you can't run with the big dogs, then go get on the